Welcome to Moo Sool Won-USA

The Moo Sool Won-USA offers training and certification under both the Moo Sool Won-USA and the Global HapKiDo Association. This allows students to have both National and International rank recognition.
Our organization was established to help students of different or same style of martial arts learn the concepts, techniques and philosophies of HapKiDo and earn accreditation for their hard work. We have created a grading criteria to help your students grow and earn rank through a chartered organization.
Mission Statement: We provide our students with quality HapKiDo training so they can redirect threats through the proper employment of techniques, timing and mental preparation.
What is Moo Sool Won-USA?
Moo = Martial or Military
Sool = Technique
Won = Circle (in our case circle or group of students)
USA = United States of America
Our training consists of HapKiDo techniques with various themes necessary for self-defense. This includes the following:
-Fundamental Strikes and Stances
-Joint Locks
-Throwing Techniques
-Take Downs
-Pinning Techniques
-Pressure Point Techniques and Applications
-Pain Compliance Techniques
-Escort Techniques
-Weapon Defenses
-Traditional Weapons
-Bag Work and much more.
We are here to help strengthen your physical, mental, social and spiritual fitness.
Master Munyon has taught HapKiDo both stateside and overseas while serving his country in the Armed Forces.