Individual Membership

Who Can Apply?

Individual membership is available for anyone (practitioners, parents, guardians, supporters, family members etc.) interested in Taekwon-Do and who want to be a part of the International Taekwon-Do Federation Headquarters - USA.

What will you receive?

Each member of ITF Headquarters USA will receive a membership card valid for 3 years with their personal information on it. The membership renewal can easily be processed via our website.

ITF Headquarters USA is the principal authority of the Chang Hun Taekwon-Do movement recognized by, and closely working with the South Korean Government. By joining us, you will become one of our important members connected to the Homeland of Taekwon-Do. You will represent us and the Taekwon-Do movement in your country. Together, we will be able to bring this beautiful Art and its great values to everyday life and to every location throughout the world.

Ready to join our global Taekwon-Do network?

There are two types of individual membership: Regular and Premium. Please select the option you prefer and fill in the application form. We will contact you as soon as we receive and review your application and will guide you how to submit the application fee.

Ready to join our global Taekwon-Do network?

There are two types of individual membership: Regular and Premium. Please select the option you prefer and fill in the application form. We will contact you as soon as we receive and review your application and will guide you how to submit the application fee.