Constitution of the International Taekwon-Do Federation
This document is the constitution of the International Taekwon-Do Federation as registered in the homeland of Taekwon-Do, South Korea, hereafter referred to as the ITF.
Taekwon-do was founded by General Choi Hong Hi, and is defined as a version of unarmed combat that utilises scientific principles to gain the ultimate use of the body’s ability through intensive physical and mental training to be used for self-defence. Even though it is a martial art, its discipline, technique and mental training are the mortar for building a strong sense of justice, fortitude, humility and resolve.
We are an administrative, co-ordinating and supportive body that aims to serve all worldwide ITF practitioners regardless of religion, race, national/ideological boundaries or organisational affiliations. Our purpose is to preserve the Art, promote it throughout the world and lead the Taekwon-Do movement by adhering to the tenets of Courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control and indomitable spirit.
Our membership will be drawn from the worldwide community of Taekwon-Do practitioners or like-minded individuals who support the aims of the organisation and the principles of the Art.
We will disseminate the knowledge of Taekwon-Do through our educational programs, publications, media and events particularly through the promotion of Korean history and culture in its homeland.
By-laws of the International Taekwon-Do Federation
This document is used in conjunction with the Statutes of the ITF (Constitution) to implement the necessary functions of the organization. It outlines all the procedures of the body in respect to administration including the organisational structure, the positions and their descriptors, the committees, the membership types, the meeting requirements, the financial matters, dispute resolution and the administration of the Federation. It is also used alongside the rules and regulations.
Rules and Regulations
This document outlines the membership types and their requirements, the certification of rank attainment process including recognition of rank, the fee structure of the body and other administrative processes.
Code of Conduct
The code of conduct is a recommended guide for our group and individual members to implement within their organisational structures. It is not a prescriptive document but provides a template for the development of policy relating to appropriate behaviour within sporting and martial arts associations.
The main objective of a Code of Conduct (policy) is to maintain responsible behaviour and ethical and informed decision-making by participants in this organisation. This policy document outlines our commitment to a person’s right to be treated with respect and dignity, and to be safe and protected from abuse. This policy informs everyone involved in an organisation of their legal and ethical rights and responsibilities and the standards of behaviour that are required. It also covers the care and protection of children participating in our organisation’s activities.